Fandoms are everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblur, Wattpad, on the streets...etc. I mean...the fandoms can get really crazy. People can get into pretty heated arguments just because someone insulted their fandom. So a word of the wise; be careful when talking about a major fandom in public places...

What is a fandom some may ask? Well a fandom is when people are overly obsessed fans of something like a TV show or movie. These are fans that have taken it to the next level of obsession. They develop ‘ships’ for their fandom and make it even worse. For anyone who might not know, ‘ships’ are when one person and another from the fandom are seen in a romantic relationship by the shipper (a.k.a. the fan). A ship can take control of the ‘shipper’ and give them ‘feels’.‘Feels’ are what the  shipper gets whenever they see their ship together or something like that. It ruins lives.

Some things I have fandoms for are Harry Potter (as you probably know already...), Hunger Games (yeah if you read my last post...), The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings (my friends are obsessed with it for some reason and got my hooked), The Avengers (again my friends got me hooked), The Immortal Instruments, and a few bands (No not One Direction...I like them, but not that much!). SO...as you can see I too have my fandoms, I am not as bad as some people though...just to let you know. I do however have many, and I mean many, pictures of Harry Potter and Hunger Games stuff on my iPod. But, I don't have any ships.

Fandoms can definitely bring people closer though. My friends and I have soooooo many inside jokes because of our fandoms!
It’s awesome! Hee hee... ‘I wonder...’ (oh Rachel if you end up reading this...hee hee).

 SOOOO...what’s your poison? Which fandoms are you apart of? Comment and let me know!

 On a side note, check out the right side of my blog. I moved the Quote of the Day from the top to the side. And if you want you can leave questions in a comment and I will answer them (Unless they are gross or something weird)!

Fandom Definition on Wikipedia and Tumblr if you are still confused- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fandom and http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/what%20is%20a%20fandom

3/22/2013 12:50:50 am

Since blogs are about personal opinions you should do a post about something like the theory of evolution or how we truly got here. Fan girls sicken me lol.

3/25/2013 11:13:16 am

really? the theory of evolution or how we truly got here? I have never heard of a blog that would write about that stuff.

Lily P (ffpGCI)
3/24/2013 09:30:32 am

Hi! I like your blog a lot. My fandoms are Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock (the BBC version), Adventure Time, Scott Pilgrim, Les Miserables and the Vlogbrothers. I don't ship anything though. OTPs seem weird to me. To think that a relationship between two fictional characters is better than say your own is odd. Do you ship anything?

3/24/2013 03:00:52 pm


I agree with you it is odd to think a relationship between two fictional characters is better than your own. So, no I don't have any ships.

4/29/2013 11:22:38 pm

SHERLOCK!!! uh... harry potter... Can baseball be a fandom? Cause i ship me with a diamond.


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