Yeah, Yeah I know that Les Miz has been out for a while and that not many people are still taking about it. I just had to write about it. Yesterday was the Finale Concert at school, which I happened to be a part of. I was only in the choir, but still. The reason why I am mentioning this is because the last song played was in fact a mix of songs from Les Miz. It reminded just
how amazing Les Miz is. My friend and I even started to sing the words as the concert band was playing. So I thought to myself, why not write a blog post about it?

 So what is Les Miz? Les Misérables is an amazing musical/movie that destroys your feels (as mentioned in ‘Fandom, What's Your Posion?’) and leaves you with tears in your eyes and or tears running down your cheek. It’s a story of love, heart break, war, rebellion, death, and being poor. Les Miz actually started out written as a novel in 1862 by Victor Hugo. It wasn’t adapted into a musical until 1980. 

My one friend is absolutely in love with Les Miz. Since she got the movie, she has probably watched it over 18 times already. And that is not an over exaggeration either. She watches it every day and knows all the words to everyone of the songs in the movie. I actually first saw Les Misérables at her house. Even after she has seen it a million and one times before, she still bawls her eyes out. Even her dad, who is one tough and scary guy, would walk in during the movies and start to sing along! Just goes to show you how awesome this movie is, that it can break even the toughest of souls.

But really, the music and songs are all remarkable and tear dropping. I don’t even know what else to say. No words come to mind when I am trying to describe the incredible music. That is how good it is; so good that my mind is speechless (See what I did there? Huh, huh?). 

Not only is the music spectacular, so is the cast. There are so many well known actors and actresses that have a role in this movie. Some of the cast members include: Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Helena Bonham Carter, and so many other astounding stars.

SOOOOO... to sum up everything...Les Misérables is basically the best ever and if you haven't seen it...WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING READING MY BLOG? WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING LES MIZ? Kidding...or am I?

If you were planning of never seeing it, well your life is just boring and not worth writing about. Just kidding...sort of.

Any movies you think are amazing and is worth watching? Please let me know through a comment!

"Beauty is not caused; it is." ~Emily Dickenson
Beauty is said to be 'an outstaning example of its kind. But is that the true meaning of being beautiful? That beauty is something that is best of its kind? No it is not.

When you think of something as beautiful, you tend to think of something that in flawless and perfect. Never would you imagine something beaten down and imperfect. For example, say you are describing a tree as beautiful (Gosh what is it with me and trees!); you would probably think of a tree full of life and has leaves, maybe even a few flowers. Most people wouldn’t picture a tree with no leaves and with almost no colour to it. Same goes with people, we link beauty with models and movie stars, not your average person walking down the street. So why do we think beauty has to do with appearance? Can’t it mean a beautiful soul?

Beauty should be based off of a person’s personality not by how they look.

I mean really! Basing beauty off of models does nothing for your self esteem. Nobody, not even the models themselves can live up to that kind of beauty. Its Photoshop people, everything you see of models are all photoshopped to be the perfect person, when in reality that is impossible to achieve. 
Almost all beauty products all have ads and promotions that show the perfect person. These companies play with you self esteem, the way they are  think is that as long as you have an unattainable dream more people will buy your stuff to try and get there. This is why I love the people behind Dove soap. Dove soap is one of the only companies working in beauty products that actually promote being yourself and not changing your appearance. 

Dove has released many amazing commercials that support their idea. Here are just two of them:

  P.S. Sorry if you can't look at the videos at school, please make sure you take a look at them when you get home!

Really, this video just helps prove my point on how they photoshop models making beauty seem so far out of everyones reach.
Many of you might have skipped passed this ad when watching a video on YouTube. This ad shows how bad womens self esteem really is. That women put theresleves down even if they don't even realized they are doing it.
If you take one thing away from my blog post, I would like that to be that just like Christina Aguilera said, "we are beautiful no matter what people say."
(I don’t what made me think about this idea…oh well!)

 I know everyone has had that one moment in their life where they wished they could turn back time and relive one moment. It could be to change something you did or it could be to return to a moment that you loved the most. I myself have had quite a few of these moments, for both  reasons. 

The moments I would like to turn back to and change are not my finest moments. They are the moments of my stupidity. One of these is when I accidently deleted all my pictures off of my camera. You’re probably disappointed with this answer, aren’t you? Well, on the camera at the time there was probably about 500 pictures maybe, that I didn’t get to upload on to my computer, yet (I couldn’t find my cord…). Some of these pictures include my trip to California (I had pictures of everywhere we went too!!!), pictures of my synchro team of that year and…umm…some other pictures that I can’t remember at the moment…

 I do have other times I would like to change, maybe to go back in time to get a better mark on a really bad test or to those moments that are so embarrassing that I can’t say out loud, that I really would like to avoid…

Moments I wish I could live again, there are many of those. Like, going back in time to those perfect moments where you are having the time of your life (Semi, spending you time with your friends doing your favourite things, my time in Aruba, going somewhere in general, spending those amazing minutes with your siblings where you are not fighting, etc.). Moments like these are where you wish you can remember every detail forever and that your eyes can take picture so they can capture exactly what you are experiencing. 

There are actually a lot of movies, shows and books about time travel. In the book I’m reading for future forum it even talks
about time travel or what they like to call ‘time walking’. The idea of time travel is everywhere. It makes that there is though. People tend to write or talk about things they wish could happen. It makes them feel better about not having something when they have their character or something have it. Making them think, “Well if I can’t have this, at least my character does.” It can make the person feel as if they actually have. As you can see, I have a lot of experience with this…

But I would like to say, even if there are points in your life you wish you can change, there is no way (yet) to do anything about
it. So instead of wasting your time thinking of things you regret, start thinking of things you can do to help it or just move on with your life. Kelly Clarkson has a song that I think is a perfect quote to think about when you are thinking of all your regrets, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” It is such true statement too. You can only learn from your mistakes. 

That quote reminds me of the poster on the future forum door…

~Keep Calm and Carry On~


So what about you? Any time you might want to go
back to?

"A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same." ~ Elbert Hubbard
I think this is a question everyone should consider. That everyone should know the true meaning of 'Friends' (and no not the TV show!).

We all have friends. Even if sometimes you don't feel like you do. Let's see... (Activate thinking face) We have friends from when you were younger that you don't really talk to much anymore. We have friends from those camps you went to over the summer that live so far away from you. We have the friends that had to move away, which caused you to have a mental break down when they told you they were leaving. We have friends from sports/music/clubs you were a part of. Those friends that are your families friends and you can't seem to get rid of them (Just Kidding!! haha love you guys!). And don't forget those crazy school friends. The people who help make those boring classes on your schedule more fun, who you spend six hours a day, five days a week with. See there are a lot of friends out there.

When I searched up the word friend on Urban Dictionary, I found there are many different definitions.  So instead of giving you an all inspiring quote that I found on the internet about how friends are missing pieces in our soul and what not (which is true, I did find that somewhere), I have decided to make up my own list with a mixture of all of definitions.

A friend is someone…

- Who knows you for the real you and stays just the same.   
- You can count on to make you smile when you are feeling down.
- Who you can trust with almost anything and can trust you back the same.
- Who hates to see you hurt, just as much as you hate to see them hurt. 
- Who has shared your brightest moments and your saddest moments.        
- You feel safe with and feel the need to be their protector. 
- Who you can act completely insane with and not feel embarrassed. 

Now a list that relates to my friends and maybe you people reading.
A friend is someone...

- Who understands you fandom pain.
- That shares food with you.
- You share inside jokes with.
- That will be accompanying you to the mental institute.
- That will sing Disney music out load and just as dramatic as you.
- That is the reason why I have no sanity in the first place.
- Who will randomly start sing classical rock music with you.
- Who has pictures of you that could be used as blackmail against you.
- Who got you addicted to your fandom.
- Who is the reason behind your stupid actions.
- Who gives you the weirdest nicknames and you don't even care.
- Who knows all your pet peeves and still does them.
- Who will continue on with your weird conversation like it was an everyday thing.

Ok so a few days ago, our future forum class watch a documentary. It was called Generation Jobless, and I would just like to say it sort of scared me a bit. In a nutshell the documentary was about Post Secondary school students not being able to find a job.

This got me thinking. What about me? Will I be one of those students that didn’t get a job or a job that they want? I seriously hope not.

 Another thing that it got me think about is what will I want to pursue in the future, career wise? I have thought of this many
times this year. I still have not found that one thing yet. Yes I have many ideas. But am I any closer to narrowing it down to one? Not even close to it. 
Because I still don’t know, I decided to try one of my choices out to see if I like it. So, I signed up for the co-op program at
my school. Just a few days ago, I received a letter saying I got accepted into the program. This means next year in grade 11, I will be working part time trying out one of the many job choices I had. 
In Generation Jobless, many people didn’t have a chance to get experience for the career they want. Which leaves them as inters so they can get the experience. Co-op can help me get the experience I need, if I do truly decide that this is the job I want in the future. 
So a few of you might be curious as to what this mystery job I am doing for co-op is. The career I will be working at is
somewhere in graphic design. I found that I always liked designing things for all the different projects I have done for school. Also, I find myself to be artistic which will definitely help with graphic design. Do you know what’s weird? I never really thought about working in graphic design as a career before this year. Yes I heard about it and thought it was cool, but I never looked into it before.

It’s funny, it was actually course I took last semester that actually got me thinking about careers in graphic design. The
course I took was Communication Technology. In the course we touched upon photography, 2D animation, 3D animation, audio, video editing, game design, and graphic design. I loved every unit we did and actually contemplated on doing my
co-op for one of the other stuff we did like animation.

 Com Tech taught me many good skills and how to use different computer programs that most jobs in these fields use, like the
different adobe programs. And by learning all these technology skills it helps me prepare for when I am working. So that instead of having to learn how to use the programs at the job, I can get comfortable with using them ahead of time. 

Now that I said the job that interests me, it is time to see how many jobs there are available in graphic design. In Generation
Jobless, it talked about some fields that have more people looking for a job there then there are positions. Jobs in teaching for example have too many people qualified for the job, but not so many job openings. Luckily, from what I have gathered from the co-op teacher and online, there are quite a few jobs in graphic design. Looking at the possible placements for co-op can attest to that (like 4 or 5 pages full of placements for graphic design).

  The documentary Generation Jobless has helped me figure out what is needed to be done to ensure I will escape the Generation Jobless. So that I can get the job I want after I finish the secondary education I chose to go to. I hope more students are able to learn what they need for their job choice before they graduate.

 So, what are you thinking about pursuing in the future job wise? Are you planned for the future, or are you still figuring things out?